Tuesday, July 19, 2005


You know how I said a few weeks ago that I wanted to start buying free trade/organic/shade grown etc. coffee? Well I have been putting it off, because I was afraid to give up my favorite, beloved Luzianne .

BUT, when I was in Washington I loved the coffee they served. It was so delicious! I looked into it and I just ordered a bunch of it. Pura Vida "Organic Cafe Kilimanjaro". Very dark roast and very strong, but smooth and yummy.

They have this thing where you can get it delivered to your door on a regular basis. I chose monthly.

I also ordered some ground chicory, because adding chicory makes coffee so much yummier.

Can't wait till it comes.


Blogger Tania said...

Mmm, coffee. All the organic shade-grown fair-trade crunchy hippie coffee I've ever had has always been tastier than the other coffees. I don't know if that's because crunchy hippie coffee just naturally tastes better or because the coffee shops refuse to import bad-tasting organic coffee, but I buy it and drink it happily!

8:31 AM  
Blogger katiedid said...

Oh dear, the Pacific NW will have ruined you for all other coffees. I can't actually travel outside WA or OR without bringing along my own coffee to brew. Y'know. Just in case. Green Mountain makes an organic and free trade one for Paul Newman, so I buy that one often enough, because it's got the sale profits going to charity. The coffee is not actually my exact favorite, but it's fairly good, and rather sunny tasting compared to some of Green Mtn. other roasts.

12:19 PM  

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